Interesting Archives

Sep 28, 2015

Cocktailist: a Whirlwind Tour


9/15: Capstone day 1! Seems good so far except heroku doesn’t want to refresh my latest files, hmmmm. Will have to figure that out.

9/16: Worked on site more:

  • Linked up feeds to entries
  • Make show entry page
  • Add Metadata to feeds
  • Make add new form

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Aug 21, 2015


To continue with my series of really terribly named Rail projects, we made a RedditLite spinoff called DiscoverIt. (Can you believe it actually took a thesaurus to come up with that awful name?) The project itself was relatively straightforward until the end, but afforded good practice with setting up a shell of a site, complete with user sessions, ability to submit/edit/remove content, etc. The “cross-posting” feature was a cool new thing in that it introduced us to yet another amazing ActiveRecord feature, the ability to not only auto-populate foreign keys, but even create rows in many-to-many tables, based purely on associations. Once again, I didn’t really think it would work, but why do I ever doubt ActiveRecord?

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Aug 20, 2015

CatRecords =^v^=

For all your feline listening needs! Actually I should have done that instead of lamely choosing real bands and songs. Then I probably would have spent most of my day coming up with horribly punny and/or childish cat songs instead of trying to get a dynamically generated site navigation bar up, which was how my day was actually spent.
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Posted in aA, Interesting, Tech
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