Site Releases Archives
Migrating from Heroku
Yes, I do still do site-related things (sometimes) in my free time. And Heroku kinda forced my hand by announcing they were sunsetting their “Free Tier” at the end of November 2022. (This month! The upcoming Monday 11/28, to be exact.) Leading to me having to evaluate if it was worth the trouble of figuring out a new home for my 2 sites where I am still a dedicated (and lonesome) visitor, Cocktailist and Repost Repo.
Of course, since I’m a hoarder by nature, I didn’t want to throw them away. The next step: how to move them. Thankfully I started planning this early on–pretty much right when they announced it, in August–because this took some work that I did over several weekends:
2017, What a Year
Apparently the most exciting thing that happened to me in 2017 was the light fixture update, and I had nothing else to report after that.
As usual though, I can’t believe 2017 has flown by so quickly. It’s already December 31st (stating the obvious) and tomorrow it will be 2018 (…and again).
Repost Repository
Discoverit is no more! But hold your tears, it has been reborn as Repost Repository! I know, I know, what a name. It came to me in a dream–or more accurately, as I was sitting around this afternoon. I mean, it is all just reposts from Reddit anyway–basically my private funny gif and meme gallery.

New name, new theme