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So there’s a Q and a Stack…
Well that would explain a lot about Javascript, aha. Today was characterized by trying to debug the same issue for an hour or so, and then learning about this fundamental structure. “But wait, why doesn’t it ever stop for input?! Javascript sucks!” Ok, in this case, PEBCAK.
So I guess I better get used to deeply nested function calls in these server-side scripts where user input is involved. But looking at tomorrow’s reading materials, client-side stuff has handlers and more natural asynchronous treatment, so I am looking forward to that. Although not so sure I’ll be as big a fan of JS’s “prototype inheritance.”
Also spent some time this weekend developing DiscoverIt more. Got it up at Slowly chugging along on that.
To continue with my series of really terribly named Rail projects, we made a RedditLite spinoff called DiscoverIt. (Can you believe it actually took a thesaurus to come up with that awful name?) The project itself was relatively straightforward until the end, but afforded good practice with setting up a shell of a site, complete with user sessions, ability to submit/edit/remove content, etc. The “cross-posting” feature was a cool new thing in that it introduced us to yet another amazing ActiveRecord feature, the ability to not only auto-populate foreign keys, but even create rows in many-to-many tables, based purely on associations. Once again, I didn’t really think it would work, but why do I ever doubt ActiveRecord?
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