aA Archives

Aug 6, 2015

Checkers = Restaurant Chain?

First solo day today! Hah it’s strange to think that I used to think pair programming was unusual; now it’s days like today, our first non-pair day, that feel different. However it was nice having my very own(!) keyboard and mouse.

The assignment was to create a Checkers game (apparently, according to Wiki, “English draughts”). It was a really good review of methods and concepts we had covered over the past couple of days, and was pretty straightforward after Chess and Minesweeper.

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Aug 5, 2015

Thrilling Chess 2-Parter

8.4: Started implementing Chess today! From an early age, I’ve always been intimidated by Chess, so never really tried tackling coding it before, but now I see it’s not too bad. (Of course, I’m just talking about the mechanics–the strategy could go on and on. And we’re not really implementing the more idiosyncratic moves, so there’s that.) It’s a nice exercise in Class hierarchy as well, since all the pieces naturally inherit from each other. We even got Unicode to display in our render method, so the board looks semi-legitimate, though the symbols are so small that it’s hard to tell them apart, haha.

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Aug 4, 2015

Top of the Minesweeper Loserboards

I am uniquely gifted at finding mines on a blank board. I swear that it’s at the point of a statistical anomaly: there’s a > 10/81 chance that my first choice is a bomb. When we first started coding the project today, I kinda forgot why I never really played Minesweeper, but yeah, I remembered real fast.

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