Consumerism Archives
Somewhat of a random aside, but this is what I’ve been receiving with my Barnes and Nobles orders these days (yes I order books, long live physical text!):
Lamenting the Loss of the Right Click
Finally bought a Macbook Pro since this is apparently THE THING to use. The learning curve is much steeper than I anticipated though–couldn’t they at least have put the command button in the same place as the Ctrl on a PC?! It took me at least 3 minutes the first time I wanted to copy and paste something. I feel like senior citizens find this system more intuitive than me.
More details…
Bedding Color Schemes
I’m ashamed to say I spent an ungodly amount of time today contemplating and researching bedding color schemes. I’ve had the same set for a few years–the Ikea showroom scheme, rather inspired for them actually! as shown in the following pic:

ikea showroom sheet combo
But a couple weeks ago, I bought a new duvet cover from Society 6. Yet it was wrong with the gray sheets! ALL WRONG! So i saw what I had to do. More details…