Hello World. It's me, Ariel.
Top of the Minesweeper Loserboards
I am uniquely gifted at finding mines on a blank board. I swear that it’s at the point of a statistical anomaly: there’s a > 10/81 chance that my first choice is a bomb. When we first started coding the project today, I kinda forgot why I never really played Minesweeper, but yeah, I remembered real fast.
I Walk This Recursive Road…
So today was recursion day, which no matter how many times I learn it, is usually a bit of a headache. Today though I do think it went a little smoother than usual, partially because:
1) I think this is my 3rd or 4th time going through it so I’d like to think I’m a little better every time,
2) also the same kinda problems show up (Fibinocci, exponents, mergesort, etc) so I should at least be able to remember something, haha, and
3) Ruby/pry actually makes it pretty easy to follow the stack calls when things go awry.
Recurse This
For once, a day with ample time to complete all the projects, and even tackle the bonuses! The GHOST word game and greedy implementation of “breaking and entering” seemed fairly straightforward to code, and we were able to make each of their methods very neat and efficient–either we’re getting better or today’s projects were somewhat easier.