August 2015 Archives

Aug 13, 2015

AR = Advanced Reality?

(Yeah I’m going to keep going with these)

So more ActiveRecord today! Actually now I think I kinda got the hang of it: all I had to do was blindly accept ActiveRecord into my heart and believe, and so it was! Also it helped that I was finally enlightened to the .select/.joins/.group/what-have-you SQL-like methods in last night’s readings. I’m just all around enlightened now really.

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Aug 12, 2015

I Had NO Idea

Yesterday I said “ActiveRecord seems much more built out.” Talk about understatement of the CENTURY. And I thought Ruby was high level. HA! Basically, in ActiveRecord, if you can dream it, you can do it. (Sidenote: I always attributed that to Blades of Glory but apparently it’s from Walt Disney?)

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Posted in aA, Stress-Induced, Tech
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Aug 11, 2015

ORM = Online Relationship Manager

Right? Or is it object-relational mapping? I forget. But that’s what we spent the day doing! It was actually pretty fun, albeit straightforward (not a bad thing!), to wrap our SQL queries/result sets in Ruby objects. Yes, there was a lot of redundant code and setting up 1 to 2 line methods that just looked things up on so-and-so table probably would get pretty tedious by the 3rd or 4th project, but as a first-time experience, think was a great intro to an ORM.

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