April 2015 Archives

Apr 17, 2015

Self Revelation

So I finally figured it out: for better or worse, I’m a problem solver, not a strategist. So when presented with a concrete problem, I apply myself to finding a solution and executing it…but with just some sort of nebulous goal, I feel unmotivated and kinda flounder. That’s why I’m not good at playing Starcraft. That’s why I’m not an academic. And that’s why (well, one of the reasons) why I’m not doing great at my current job. Strategizing just doesn’t hold my focus.

More details…

Apr 15, 2015

Bedding Color Schemes

I’m ashamed to say I spent an ungodly amount of time today contemplating and researching bedding color schemes. I’ve had the same set for a few years–the Ikea showroom scheme, rather inspired for them actually! as shown in the following pic:

kvist sheet set

ikea showroom sheet combo

But a couple weeks ago, I bought a new duvet cover from Society 6. Yet it was wrong with the gray sheets! ALL WRONG! So i saw what I had to do. More details…

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