August 28, 2015 Log No. 389
the ellipses say it all.
I mean, it is just day 1. But it’s definitely hard getting used to its idiosyncrasies after Ruby. -0?! That must be the most creative number I’ve ever seen. And 3 equal signs is just too much. Typing out .equals is almost faster. At least it would be a little more english-y than a row of ===.
But. I do like the return of semicolons, explicit returns, and (kinda) explicit declarations. I know. I’m weird like that.
Mostly it’s the fact that there’s really only 2 types in JS–primitives and everything else, aka objects–that will take getting used to. Functions? Yep, object. Array? Object. Hash? Object. Class? Object. So yes, I suppose it makes it opens it up to be more flexible and creative, but also things can go horribly wrong. We’ve only been rehashing old Ruby stuff (never thought I’d miss Ruby methods like .include? and .empty? so much) and already have gotten some strange errors that took some time to debug. (Ok I admit more than once it was because we left off the var in our variable declarations.) So, with Towers of Hanoi looming in the horizon (ugh! my old nemesis!), I can only imagine tomorrow.
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