Tech Archives

Nov 26, 2022

Migrating from Heroku

Yes, I do still do site-related things (sometimes) in my free time. And Heroku kinda forced my hand by announcing they were sunsetting their “Free Tier” at the end of November 2022. (This month! The upcoming Monday 11/28, to be exact.) Leading to me having to evaluate if it was worth the trouble of figuring out a new home for my 2 sites where I am still a dedicated (and lonesome) visitor, Cocktailist and Repost Repo.

Of course, since I’m a hoarder by nature, I didn’t want to throw them away. The next step: how to move them. Thankfully I started planning this early on–pretty much right when they announced it, in August–because this took some work that I did over several weekends:

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Nov 23, 2020

Interviewing after 4 years of…not doing that

I recently went through the job interview process, for the first time in 4.5 years, and for the first time as an experienced developer. And I didn’t really expect it to be a different process from when I did this in 2016, but it actually was.

I’d always heard how some experienced devs got “mad” at being asked data structures/algos questions during interviews, and had thought it was perceived as a blow to their ego (“my work and experience should speak for itself!”). But now that I’m in their shoes (kinda–a lot of those stories feature people who have twice as many years of experience as me, or have achieved a lot more), I realize it’s not quite that–or at least, not every one of those stories is about that.

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Jan 1, 2020

2020s Decade Predictions

It’s already the end of the second decade of the 2000s! (Well ACKSHULLY some people would say that won’t be til 2021, but let’s just go with it.) What were some of the biggest cultural changes of the last 10 years? (I’ll limit myself to 5 to keep the list concise.)
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