Culture Archives

Sep 16, 2018

Detroit: Become Human

As the years go by, I’ve had an increasingly poor track record of starting games, much less finishing them. (Granted, I never really had a good track record of finishing games even pre-college–my MO was always “sink 100 hours into getting literally every item but then wander around pre-final boss feeling super powerful and never actually fight him because that would mean bringing my journey to an end.”) The mental commitment to start a game has gotten more and more insurmountable, so that I don’t even start. However, a couple of months ago, the hype around Detroit: Become Human was great enough that I decided to sit down and play it.
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Posted in Gaming, Interesting
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May 31, 2016

Show Idea: Real Housewives of China

But not Shanghai or Beijing–pick a 2nd or 3rd tier city like Wuhan or Changsha. (What up hometown!) It will be filled with gems such as:

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Posted in (Real) Life, TV
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May 21, 2016

Every “Serious” Contemporary Novel Set in NYC

…has a 20-something-yr-old male protagonist who is poor and of uncertain background (or an orphan) but has rich friends who take him under their wing because he is just so fascinating. Oftentimes his field is very liberal artsy–art history, writing, classics, etc etc–and not very lucrative (he’s just waiting for his big break!) but he scrapes by and still gets exposed to the high life. Usually by the end of the novel he MAKES it. Usually of ambiguous sexuality. Usually has some metaphorical rats in the closet that he hates to divulge, which makes him seem “mysterious.” (And literal ones in his apartment, the poor artiste that he is, at least until his friends see what squalor he lives in and invites him to move in.)

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Posted in Literature, Rants
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